Biodiversity Centre for Wildlife Studies

Wildlife Afield - Articles Online (pdf)

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Featured Species

Wildlife Afield Vol. 11, No. 2  Northern Spotted Owl pdf. (2.87 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 11, No. 2  Yellow-billed Cuckoo pdf. (3.5 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 6, No. 2  Snowy Owl pdf. (4.1 Mb)

Wildlife Afield Vol. 6, No. 1  Clark's Grebe pdf. (3.5 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 5, No. 2  Forster's Tern pdf. (2.9 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 5, No. 1  Common Loon pdf. (7.8 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 4, No. 2  Moose pdf. (2.9 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 4, No. 1  Canada Warbler pdf. (7.1 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 3, No. 2  Heermann's Gull pdf. (8.7 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 3, No. 1  Common Nighthawk pdf. (7.1 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 2, No. 2  Turkey Vulture pdf. (1.9 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 2, No. 1  Thinhorn Sheep pdf. (0.8 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 1, No. 2  Wood Frog pdf. (0.9 Mb)
Wildlife Afield Vol. 1, No. 1 
Semipalmated Plover pdf. (0.9 Mb)

Articles, Notes and Book Reviews

Volume 19, Number 1 (2022) Not yet published.

Volume 18, Number 2 (2021) Not yet published.

Volume 18, Number 1 (2021) Not yet published.

Volume 17, Number 2 (2020) Not yet published.

Volume 17, Number 1 (2020) Seabird Colonies of British Columbia Outer Coast.

Rodway, Michael S., R. Wayne Campbell, and Moira J.F. Lemon. 2020. Seabird Colonies of British Columbia: Outer Coast. Wildlife Afield 17:1-558.

Volume 16, Number 1&2 (2019) Seabird Colonies of British Columbia Haida Gwaii.

Rodway, Michael S., R. Wayne Campbell, and Moira J.F. Lemon. 2019. Seabird Colonies of British Columbia: Haida Gwaii. Wildlife Afield 16:1-480.

Volume 15, Number 2 (2018) Not yet published.

Volume 15, Number 1 (2018)

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2018. Seasonal Use of Woodpecker Cavities and Nest Boxes as Roost/Hibernation Sites for Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:3-20.

Demarchi, Dennis A., and Raymond A. Demarchi. 2018. White-tailed Deer Winter and Spring Foraging Trends in the East Kootenay Trench, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:21-42.

Drent, Rudolph H., and R. Wayne Campbell. 2018. Cooperative Winter Roost Counts of Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) in the Greater Vancouver Area, British Columbia, 1969-1970. Wildlife Afield 15:43-51.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2018. Revised Breeding Status for Blue-winged Teal in the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:52-58.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2018. Survey of Breeding Great Blue Herons on Tsawout First Nation Land in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:59-69.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Patricia Huet. 2018. Observations on House Wren Nests in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:70-82.

Leighton, Douglas. 2018. Breeding Range Expansion of White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) into Southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:83-87.

Ommundsen, Peter. 2018. Bald Eagles, Decoys, and Landfill Management. Wildlife Afield 15:88-90.

Poynter, Allen G. 2018. Red Crossbills Drinking Sea Water in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 15:91-93.

Siddle, Chris. 2018. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 15:140-142.

Volume 14, Number 2 (2017)

Henderson, Philip S. 2017. Observations and Conservation of Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) on Sumas Mountain, Southwestern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 14:83-104.

Demarchi, Raymond A. 2017. A Study of the Chukar (Alectoris chukar) in the Thompson River Valley of South-central British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 14:105-141.

Campbell, R. Wayne., Mark Nyhof and Ronald D. Jakimchuk. 2017. Three Amigos and Seasons with the Hummingbirds. Wildlife Afield 14:142-152.

Leighton, Douglas. 2017. Autumn Occurrence and Expansion of the Breeding Range for Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) in Southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 14:153-156.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2017. British Columbia’s First Record of Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus). Wildlife Afield 14:157-159.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2017. New Longevity Record for Anna’s Hummingbird from British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 14:160-164.

Siddle, Chris. 2017. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 14:207-212.

Volume 14, Number 1 (2017) Naturalist and Cloud Watcher David Stirling (1920-2018).

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Barbara Begg. 2017. Naturalist and Cloud Watcher David Stirling (1920-2018). Wildlife Afield 14:1-80.

Volume 13, Number 1&2 (2016) Seabird Colonies of British Columbia A Century of Changes.

Rodway, Michael S., R. Wayne Campbell, and Moira J.F. Lemon. 2016. Seabird Colonies of British Columbia: A Century of Changes. Wildlife Afield 13:1-298.

Volume 12, Number 2 (2015)

Kosgoda, Wishva. 2015. Sugar-water Colour and Concentration Preferences at an Anna’s Hummingbird Feeder in Victoria, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:133-141.

Leighton, Douglas. 2015. Trumpeter Swan Recolonization of the Columbia River Wetlands of Southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:142-183.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2015. First Occurrence of Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) in British Columbia with Additional Records from the Interior between 1914 and 1970. Wildlife Afield 12:184-195.

Carter, Harry R., Douglas G.D. Russell and Spencer G. Sealy. 2015. Additional Notes on the Earliest Breeding Records of Black Oystercatcher and Pigeon Guillemot in British Columbia and Washington, 1792-1867. Wildlife Afield 12:196-213.

Wardrop, Teagan., Ashley Spencer, Becki LaForge, Avryl Brophy, Paul Farrugia and Ken Kennedy. 2015. Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Confirmed in the Northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:214-218.

Siddle, Chris. 2015. Behaviour of a Coyote Stalking and Caching Prey in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:219-222.

Sealy, Spencer G., 2015. European Starling Depredated or Scavenged by a Western Screech-Owl. Wildlife Afield 12:223-226.

Weeden, Robert B. 2015. Annual Use of a Farm Pond by Hooded Mergansers on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:227-232.

Siddle, Chris., 2015. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 12:268-273.

 Volume 12, Number 1 (2015)

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2015. Land-based Pre-count Versus Complete Nest Survey of Wetland-nesting Birds at Sudeten Marsh, Peace River, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:3-22.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Mark Nyhof. 2015. The Black Tern Enigma in British Columbia: Issues of Assumptions, Monitoring, Nest Searches and Conservation. Wildlife Afield 12:23-41.

Smith, W. Glen. 2015. Food Habits of a Population of Black Turnstones and Rock Sandpipers Wintering in Southern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:42-59.

Sealy, Spencer G. 2015. Not Just a Collector, but an Astute Observer of Nature: The Reverend John H. Keen on the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii), British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:60-69.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2015. Inland Occurrences of Brant (Branta bernicla) in British Columbia, 1865‒1989. Wildlife Afield 12:70-77.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2015. Earliest Confirmed Records of Chestnut-sided Warbler (Setophaga pensylvanica) for British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Wildlife Afield 12:78-81.

Rodway, Michael S., and Heidi M. Regehr. 2015. First Nesting of Ospreys on Rock Pinnacles in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:82-84.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2015. First Record of Willet (Tringa semipalmata) for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:85-88.

Demarchi, Dennis R. 2015. William Glen Smith (1923–1993) – Wildlife Biologist and Bird Artist. Wildlife Afield 12:89-119.

Siddle, Chris. 2015. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 12:128-129.

Volume 11, Number 2 (2014)

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2014. Early Status and Life History of Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia, 1903‒1965, Including First Breeding Records for North America. Wildlife Afield 11:123-155.

Arndt, Janice E., and Linda M. Van Damme. 2014. Waterbird Counts on the West Arm of Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, 1974–2013. Wildlife Afield 11:155-169.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2014. Expansion of the Breeding Range of Common Poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:169-178.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2014. Earliest Nest and Eggs of Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) for Coastal British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:179-181.

Rodway, Michael S., and Heidi M. Regehr. 2014. Dispersal of a Red Squirrel Across an Alpine Divide in Southwestern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:182-185.

Davidson, Gary S., Paul Prappas, and Carolee Colter. 2014. First Record of a White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:186-189.

Campbell, R. Wayne., Spencer Sealy, Todd J. Underwood, and Gary W. Breault. 2014. An Updated Account of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo in British Columbia, 1881-2013: Status and Distribution, First Breeding, Habitat and Conservation. Wildlife Afield 11:190-231.

Siddle, Chris. 2014. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 11:277-279.

Volume 11, Number 1 (2014)

Campbell, R. Wayne., Glenn R. Ryder, and Doug Innes. 2014. Breeding Status of Common Goldeneye in Southwestern British Columbia, including Vancouver Island, 1895-2014. Wildlife Afield 11:3-23.

Carter, Harry R., and Spencer G. Sealy. 2014. Historical Occurrence of the Short-tailed Albatross in British Columbia and Washington, 1841-1958. Wildlife Afield 11:24-38.

Sealy, Spencer G., and Harry R. Carter. 2014. Ancient Murrelets at Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, 1942-1949. Wildlife Afield 11:39-47.

Davidson, Gary S. 2014. Unusual Spring Aggregation of Migrating Sabine's Gulls in Interior British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:48-49.

Rea, Roy V. 2014. A Preliminary Assessment of Moose (Alces alces) Winter Diets in the Aleza Lake Research Forest in North-Central British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:50-53.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2014. Red-tailed Hawk Pair Successfully Fledge Four Young in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:54-56.

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2014. Earliest Occurrences of Ruddy Turnstones in Interior British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:57-59.

Siddle, Chris. 2014. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 11:116-118.

Volume 10, Number 2 (2013) An Old-School Naturalist Glenn Roderick Ryder (1938-2013).

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Philip S. Henderson. 2013. An Old-School Naturalist, Glenn Roderick Ryder (1938-2013). Wildlife Afield 10:79-256.

Volume 10, Number 1 (2013)

Van Damme, Linda M. 2013. Monitoring Great Horned Owls Nesting on an Artificial Platform in the Creston Valley, British Columbia, 1997–2013. Wildlife Afield 10:3-12.

Sealy, Spencer G. 2013. Natural History and Early Descriptions of Subspecies of Northern Saw-whet Owl from Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:13-22.

Rodway, Michael S., and Heidi M. Regehr. 2013. Current Logging Practices Impact Coastal Tailed Frog Populations in the Bridge River Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:23-35.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2013. Earliest Record (1910) of Black-necked Stilt (Himanotopus mexicanus) for British Columbia and Canada. Wildlife Afield 10:36-37.

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2013. Earliest Interior Occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:38-39.

Arndt, Janice E. 2013. Records of Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from the West Kootenay region, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:40-43.

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2013. American Dipper Nesting in an Abandoned Pileated Woodpecker Nest-Cavity in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:44-46.

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2013. New Distributional Records of White-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) in British Columbia, 1959‒1962. Wildlife Afield 10:47-49.

Siddle, Chris. 2013. Book Reviews, Wildlife Afield 10:76-77.

Volume 9, Number 2 (2012)

Davidson, Gary S. 2012. Birds of Nakusp, New Denver, and Burton Region of Southeastern British Columbia, 1975 to 2012 - Part 2: Passerines (Flycatchers through Old World Sparrows). Wildlife Afield 9:115-200.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2012. Autumn Nesting of Red Crossbills in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:201-203.

Begg, Barbara. 2012. Double-brooding Attempt by Pacific-slope Flycatcher on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:204-206.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2012. Breeding Status of Wilson's Warbler in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:207-210.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2012. Clay-coloured Sparrow Over-wintering on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:211-214.

Siddle, Chris. 2012. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 9:235-237.

Volume 9, Number 1 (2012)

Van Damme, Linda M. 2012. Monitoring a Red-tailed Hawk Breeding Territory in the Creston Valley, British Columbia, 1998 to 2011. Wildlife Afield 9:3-12.

Carter, Harry R., Alan E. Burger, Peter V. Clarkson, Yuri Zharikov, Michael S. Rodway, Spencer G. Sealy, R. Wayne Campbell, and David F. Hatler. 2012. Historical Colony Status and Recent Extirpations of Burrow-nesting Seabirds at Seabird Rocks, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:13-48.

Ryder, Glenn R. 2012. Earliest Well-described Tree Nest of the Marbled Murrelet: Elk Creek, British Columbia, 1955. Wildlife Afield 9:49-58.

Sealy Spencer G. 2012. Voucher Specimens of Red Squirrels Introduced to Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 9:59-65.

Stirling, David. 2012. Red-breasted Nuthatch Nest Destroyed by Northwestern Crows. Wildlife Afield 9:66-69.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2012. Siberian Accentor in British Columbia: 1991-2011. Wildlife Afield9:70-76.

Candy, Ron., R. Wayne Campbell. 2012. Allan Brooks: Naturalist and Wildlife Illustrator (1869-1946). Wildlife Afield 9:88-106.

Siddle, Chris. 2012. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 9:109-111.

Volume 8, Number 2 (2011)

Rodway, Michael S., Ken R. Summers, J. Mark Hipfner, Jason C. van Rooyen, and R. Wayne Campbell. 2011. Changes in Abundance and Distribution of Pelagic Cormorants Nesting on Triangle Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:147-166.

Carter, Harry R., Spencer G. Sealy. 2011. Earliest Breeding Records of Storm-Petrels in British Columbia, 1909-1927: Triangle Island, Tree Islets, Cox Island, Cleland Island, Lepas Bay Islands, and Tian Islets. Wildlife Afield 8:167-194.

Carter, Harry R., Spencer G. Sealy. 2011. Earliest Breeding Records of Black Oystercatcher and Pigeon Guillemot in British Columbia, 1858-1896. Wildlife Afield 8:195-201.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2011. Common Gartersnake Preys on Fledgling Bullock's Oriole in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:202-203.

Ommundsen, Peter. 2011. Value of the Red Fescue as Wildlife Cover on a Coastal Bluff. Wildlife Afield 8:204-206.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2011. Observed American Mink Predation in a Yellow-headed Blackbird Colony in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:207-209.

Campbell, R. Wayne., Ronald D. Jakimchuk, and Dennis A. Demarchi. 2011. Final Flight, Ian McTaggart-Cowan (1910-2010): A Century with Wildlife. Wildlife Afield 8:222-231.

Siddle, Chris. 2011. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 8:233-235.

Volume 8, Number 1 (2011)

Davidson, Gary. 2011. Birds of Nakusp, New Denver, and Burton region of Southeastern British Columbia, 1975-2010 — Part 1: Nonpasserines (Introduction and waterfowl through woodpeckers). Wildlife Afield 8:3-103.

Rea, Roy V., Annie L. Booth. 2011. Use of Trembling Aspen Bark by Moose in a Browse — Abundant Habitat During Winter. Wildlife Afield 8:104-107.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2011. Coyote Scavenges Road-killed Burrowing Owl in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:108-110.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2011. Field Observation of a Northern Shrike Preying on Meadow Vole in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:111-113.

Burton Clyde H. 2011. Northern Shrike Captures and Caches a Savanah Sparrow at Campbell River, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:114-116.

Campbell, R. Wayne, R. Wayne Nelson. 2011. Long-billed Curlew Records for Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:117-119.

Stirling, David. 2011. Cooper's Hawk Feeding on Barred Owl and Norway Rat in Victoria, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:120-122.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2011. American Bittern Eggs in American Coot Nests in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 8:123-125.

McNicholl, Martin K. 2011. Final Flight. In Memoriam: Miles Timothy Myres (1931-2009). Wildlife Afield 8:134-139.

Siddle, Chris. 2011. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 8:141-143.

Volume 7, Number 2 (2010)

Siddle, Chris. 2010. Birds of the North Peace River (Fort St. John and Vicinity), British Columbia, 1975-1999: Part 2 (Flycatcher through Old World Sparrows). Wildlife Afield 7:141-180.

Wideski, Peter., Peter Davidson. 2010. Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) X Lazuli Bunting (P. ameona) With Fledged Young in East Kootenay, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:281-283.

Campbell, R. Wayne., Glenn R. Ryder. 2010. Migrant Western Sandpipers Entangled on Barbed Wire Fences at Boundary Bay, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:284-288.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2010. Extra-limital Breeding Record for Eastern Phoebe in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:289-291.

Davidson, Gary S. 2010. Gartersnakes preying on Goldfish in Nakusp, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:292-293.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2010. Common Gartersnake Using Artificial Nest Platforms for Black Tern as Basking and Feeding Sites in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:294-297.

Ryder, Glenn R. 2010. Field Observation of Caravanning by a Family of Pacific Water Shrews in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:298-300.

Siddle, Chris. 2010. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 7:310-311.

Volume 7, Number 1 (2010)

Campbell, R. Wayne., Glenn R. Ryder. 2010. Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in British Columbia: History, Translocation, Breeding, and Current Status. Wildlife Afield 7:3-11.

Siddle, Chris. 2010. Birds of North Peace River (Fort St. John and Vicinity), British Columbia, 1975-1999: Part 1 (Introduction and Nonpasserines: Waterfowl through Woodpeckers). Wildlife Afield 7:12-123.

Pearson, Margaret. 2010. First Confirmed Record of Northern Rubber Boa (Charinae bottae) for Coastal Gulf Islands of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:124-125.

Burton, Clyde. 2010. Ground-nesting Bald Eagle in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 7:126-127.

Siddle, Chris. 2010. Book Reviews. Wildlife Afield 7:135-136.

Volume 6, Number 2 (2009)

Lambie, Vi. 2009. Noteworthy distributional records of birds from the Mackenzie Region of central British Columbia, 1995-2009. Wildlife Afield 6:123-138.

Knight, Kevin S., R. Wayne Campbell. 2009. Two extralimital breeding locations for Common Grackle in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:139-146.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2009. Autumn fledging of Anna's Hummingbird in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:147-148.

Poynter, Allen G. 2009. First occurrence of Eastern Gray Squirrel on the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:149-150.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2009. First occurence and confirmed breeding of Bewick's Wren in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:151-152.

Campbell, R. Wayne, F.J. Edward (Ted) Hillary. 2009. Two instances of Osprey capturing a Meadow Vole in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:153-154.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2009. Northern extension of breeding range for Wood Duck in interior British Columbia. Wildlife Afield. 6:155-156.

Davidson, Gary S. 2009. Southward breeding range expansion for Magnolia Warbler in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield. 6:157-159.

Hillary, F.J. (Ted). 2009. Ring-billed Gull captures Barn Swallow in flight. Wildlife Afield. 6:160-161.

Rea, Roy V. 2009. Untangling some webs of naturalism from the scientific method. Wildlife Afield. 6:162-163.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2009. Melanistic Wandering Gartersnake (Thamnophis elegans vagrans) and discovery of a hibernaculum in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield. 6:164-165.

Andrews, Kris. 2009. Colour-banded Caspian Tern sighted at Williams Lake, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield. 6:166-167.

McNicholl, Martin K. 2009. Additional records of Brown-headed Cowbird eggs in nests of Spotted Sandpiper. Wildlife Afield. 6:168-169.

Rea, Roy V., B. Staffan Lindgren. 2009. Beaver labor serves up spring sweets for butterflies. Wildlife Afield. 6:170-172.

Siddle, Chris. 2009. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 5:266.

Volume 6, Number 1 (2009)

Vernier, Pierre, R., Michael I. Preston, Fred L. Bunnell, and Andrew Tyrrell. 2009. Adaptive monitoring framework for warblers at risk in northeastern British Columbia: using habitat models and expert opinion to refine monitoring. Wildlife Afield 6:3-14.

Campbell, R. Wayne, Jim Sims, Phil Ranson, and Sandy Proulx. 2009. Two disjunct breeding locations for Arctic Tern in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:15-19.

Johnston, Marlene. 2009. Record of a Lesser Goldfinch in the south-central interior of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:20-22.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2009. Potential for Rufous Hummingbird nest failure in British Columbia from the introduced Eastern Gray Squirrel. Wildlife Afield 6:23-24.

Begg, Barbara. 2009. Northern Raccoon predation on European Starling nestlings in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:25-26.

Nyhof, Mark. 2009. Unusual nest site of a Brown Creeper in Victoria, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 27-29.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2009. First breeding record of Lazuli Bunting on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:30-31.

Ryder, Glenn R. 2009. Characteristics of three natal den sites of American Marten in the Lower Mainland region of southwestern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:32-35.

Sims, Jim., and R. Wayne Campbell. 2009. New breeding locations for Semipalmated Plover in the Chilcotin Region of Central British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 6:36-39.

Siddle, Chris. 2009. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 6:115-119.

Volume 5, Number 2 (2008)

Van Damme, Linda M. 2008. Birds of the Trail area of southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:169-201.

Carter, Harry R., and Spencer G. Sealy. 2008.
Ancient Murrelets breeding at Triangle Island, British Columbia, in 1949. Wildlife Afield 5:201-211.

Andrusiak, Lorraine. 2008.
An unusual roosting location of a Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:211-214.

Siddle, Chris. 2008.
British Columbia record of a Brown-headed Cowbird egg in a Spotted Sandpiper nest. Wildlife Afield 5:215-216.

Gronau, Christian W. 2008. 
First nesting record for American Coot on Cortes Island. Wildlife Afield 5:216-219.

Bishop, Rosemary. 2008.
Peregrine Falcon preys on Northwestern Crow. Wildlife Afield 5:219-220.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2008.
Bald Eagle usurps Osprey nest in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:221-222.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2008.
Late nesting of Bewick's Wren in North America. Wildlife Afield 5:222-224.

Bradshaw, Jan. 2008.
Autumn inland occurrence of Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor) at Kamloops, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:224-226.

Syroteuk, Merv. 2008.
First occurrence of the Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopella decaocto) in the west Kootenay region of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:226-228.

Preston, Michael I., and Andrea Pomeroy. 2008.
Two noteworthy breeding records of the Cape May Warbler in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:229-231.

Siddle, Chris. 2008. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 5:320-324.

Volume 5, Number 1 (2008)

Campbell, R. Wayne., Spencer Sealy, Terence R. Wahl, and Ronald P. Walker. 2008.
Status of Red-legged Kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris) in British Columbia with notes on its occurrence in Canada and the continental United States. Wildlife Afield 5:3-11. 

Nygard-Petersen, Ivar. 2008.
Birds associated with a log-boom site in Theodosia Inlet, British Columbia, 2003-2007.
Wildlife Afield 5:11-26.

Bull, Angela. 2008.
Observations of an Anna's Hummingbird nesting on a wind chime in Victoria, British Columbia.
Wildlife Afield 5:26-31.

Siddle, Chris. 2008.
Status, size, and breeding chronology of an urban Great Blue Heron colony at Vernon, British Columbia, 1986-2008. Wildlife Afield 5:31-39.

Mitchell, Patricia. 2008.
Mourning Dove as winter prey for the Northern Pygmy Owl in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:40-42.

Cartwright, Colin., and Kathy Cartwright. 2008.
Albino Dark-eyed Junco at Canal Flats, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:42-43.

Siddle, Chris. 2008.
Vehicle-induced mortality of a Broad-winged Hawk in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:43-45.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2008.
Unusual nesting site of a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Wildlife Afield 5:45-47.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2008.
Great Horned Owl successfully rears four young in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:47-48.

Siddle, Chris. 2008.
Re-use of American Robin nest by Violet-green Swallow for nesting. Wildlife Afield 5:48-49.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2008.
A new Herring Gull breeding site in southern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:49-51.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2008.
Interspecific feeding of Clark's Grebe chick by Red-necked Grebe at Duck Lake, Creston, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:51-52.

Harvey, Stedman. 2008.
Pacific Loon collides with power lines at Tahsis, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 5:52-53.

Siddle, Chris. 2008. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 5:163-165.

Volume 4, Number 2 (2007)

Van Damme, Linda M., and Cyril Colonel. 2007. Bald Eagle predation and other disturbance factors at Double-crested Cormorant and Great Blue Heron nesting colonies in the Creston valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:213-232.

Van Drimmelen, Ben., and Greg Jones. 2007.
Identification and designation of species at risk in British Columbia - Part 2. Wildlife Afield 4:232-240.

Vernier, Pierre R., and Michael I. Preston. 2007.
Habitat representation of breeding bird surveys in northeast British Columbia with implications for monitoring "listed" warbler species. Wildlife Afield 4:241-255.

Barnard, Geoffrey W., and R. Wayne Campbell. 2007.
Re-use of Rufous Hummingbird nest by Anna's Hummingbird in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:256-259.

deBeer, Samuel. 2007.
Pigeon Guillemots breeding on a moving vessel. Wildlife Afield 4:259-262.

Arndt, Janice E. 2007.
First records of Brown Pelican in the interior of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:262-264.

Treen, John. 2007.
An encounter with a Northern Pygmy Owl and its prey in coastal British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:264-265.

Johnson, Vanessa. 2007.
Noteworthy breeding records of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in Castlegar, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:265-267.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2007.
High incidence of mortality to Gopher Snakes and other wildlife from highway traffic near Savona, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:267-269.

Blake, Myrna. 2007.
Red-throated Loon rescued from mud puddle in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:270-271.

Sturney, Ray. 2007.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird at New Hazelton, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:271-273.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2007.
Current breeding status of the Baird's Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:273-275.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2007.
Turkey Vultures feeding on Western Toad toadlets. Wildlife Afield 4:275-277.

Davidson, Gary S. 2007.
First breeding record for Chestnut-sided Warbler in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:277-278.

Spitler, Gail. 2007.
First documented record of a Painted Bunting for the interior of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:278-279.

d'Entremont, Marc. 2007.
Noteworthy spring concentrations of Surf Scoters on the north mainland coast of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:280-282.

Calderwood, Damon., and Donald E. Waite. 2007.
Observations on fish-eating by Song Sparrows in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:282-284.

2007. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 4:339-342.

Volume 4, Number 1 (2007)

Carter, Harry R., Percy N. Hebert, and Peter V. Clarkson. 2007.
Decline of Pelagic Cormorants in Barkley Sound, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:3-32.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2007.
Winter food habits and roost site characteristics of the Long-eared Owl in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:32-38.

Davidson, Gary S. 2007.
Current status of the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:38-42.

Malt, Joshua M., and David B. Lank. 2007.
Observing wildlife in the crowns of old-growth trees using motion-sensitive cameras. Wildlife Afield 4:43-53.

Gronau, Christian W. 2007.
Annual chronology and nesting success of Common Loons on Anvil Lake, Cortes Island, British Columbia, 1984-2007. Wildlife Afield 4:54-57.

Jones, Greg., and Ben van Drimmelen. 2007.
Identification and designation of species at risk in British Columbia - Part 1. Wildlife Afield 4:57-67.

Dorst, Adrian. 2007.
A noteworthy record of Xantus's Murrelet near Tofino, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:68-70.

Van Damme, Linda M., John Gwilliam, Kent Goodwin, and Marcia Long. 2007.
Black Bear den sites in cottonwoods in southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:70-74.

Ryder, Glenn, R., and R. Wayne Campbell. 2007.
First Pacific Water Shrew nest for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:74-75.

Poynter, Allen G. 2007.
Possible Sharp-tailed Snake observation near Parksville, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:75-76.

Scott, Lorraine. 2007.
Northern Pygmy-Owl preys on Mourning Doves at Creston, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:76-78.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2007.
New longevity record of a Glacous-winged Gull from British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:78-80.

Van Damme, Linda M., and Marcia Long. 2007.
Noteworthy breeding records of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in the Creston Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:80-82.

Conway, Zita., David Conway, and Evi Coulson. 2007.
Successful relocation of a Cedar Waxwing nest with eggs. Wildlife Afield 4:83-84.

Bradshaw, Jan. 2007.
Heermann's Gull at Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:85.

Rea, Roy, V. 2007.
Mining and geophagy of root wad soils by Moose in winter. Wildlife Afield 4:86-87.

Ommundsen, P. 2007.
What are we conserving? An analysis of conservation goals in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 4:88-89.

Nygaard-Petersen, Ivar. 2007.
Aerial predation of a Great Blue Heron by a Bald Eagle. Wildlife Afield 4:90.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2007.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow nesting in an American Beaver lodge. Wildlife Afield 4:90-92.

Preston, Michael I. 2007.
New records of bird mortality as a result of collision with wire fencing. Wildlife Afield 4:92-94.

2007. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 4:181-183.

Volume 3, Number 2 (2006)

Dulisse, Jakob. 2006.
Western Skink in southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:95-105.

Van Damme, Linda M., Bob Stubbs, and Pauline Dupas. 2006.
First confirmed breeding record of the Sandhill Crane in the Creston valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:105-111.

Hodder, Dexter P., and Roy V. Rea. 2006.
Winter habitat use by River Otters (Lontra canadensis) in the John Prince Research Forest, Fort St. James, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:111-116.

Carter, Harry R., Ken H. Morgan, Trudy Chatwin, and Francis Bruhwiler. 2006.
Notes on recent breeding of Common Murres at Starlight Reef and Cleland Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:117-121.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2006.
Western Grebe parasitism of Red-necked Grebe nests on Duck Lake in the Creston valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:121-125.

Arndt, Janice., Elaine Moore, Larry Prosser, and Rita Wege. 2006.
Ten years of monitoring nesting Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:125-133.

Leighton, Douglas. 2006.
Predation of a Columbia Spotted Frog by an American Robin. Wildlife Afield 3:134-135.

Scott, Corine. 2006.
Pileated Woodpecker captures a recently fledged American Robin. Wildlife Afield 3:135-136.

Powers, Gerry A. 2006.
First coastal occurrence of the Flammulated Owl for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:136-138.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Chris Siddle. 2006.
Melanistic Tree Swallow in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:138-139.

Burton, Clyde H. 2006.
Red-throated Loon breeding on the south mainland coast of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:140-142.

Gronau, Christian W. 2006.
Triple nesting record for Pied-billed Grebe in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:142-144.

Burton, Clyde H. 2006.
Southernmost breeding record of the Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) in British Columbia.Wildlife Afield 3:144-146.

Ryder, Glenn R. 2006.
First record of the Ancient Murrelet at Kelowna, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:146-147.

Ommundsen, Peter. 2006.
Food hoarding by Columbia Black-tailed Deer. Wildlife Afield 3:147-148.

Siddle, Chris. 2006.
A coastal breeding record for the Yellow-breasted Chat in Mission, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:148-149.

Nicholson, Dean., and Valerie Harris. 2006.
Noteworthy record of the Northern Hawk Owl breeding in southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:150-151.

Matsuda, Brent. 2006.
Unusual nest site for an American Kestrel in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:151-152.

2006. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 3.2.

Volume 3, Number 1, Supplement (2006)

Hesse, S. Gayle. 2006.
Collisions with wildlife: an overview of major wildlife vehicle collision data collection systems in British Columbia and recommendations for the future. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):3-7.

Preston, Joanna. 2006.
A comparison of roads and rivers as barriers to animal movements: implications for roads in protected areas. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):8-15.

Preston, Michael I., and Gerry A. Powers. 2006.
High incidence of vehicle-induced owl mortality in the Lower Mainland and Central Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):15-23.

Beasley, Barbara. 2006.
A study on the incidence of amphibian road mortality between Ucluelet and Tofino, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:(supplement):23-28.

Preston, Michael I., Larry Halverson, and S. Gayle Hesse. 2006.
Mitigation efforts to reduce mammal mortality on roadways in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):28-38.

Rea, Roy V., Eric K. Rapaport, Dexter P. Hodder, Michael V. Hurley, and Nicole A. Klassen. 2006.
Using wildlife vehicle collision data, expert opinions, and GPS technology to more accurately predict and mitigate vehicular collisions with wildlife in northern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield (supplement):39-42.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Michael I. Preston. 2006.
RoadWatch BC: a program for collecting, centralizing, and synthesizing information from vehicle-induced wildlife mortalities in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):42-47.

Preston, Michael I., and Joanna Preston. 2006.
Estimating the probability of potential vehicle collision from birds crossing roads in interior British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3(supplement):48-53.

Volume 3, Number 1 (2006)

Ranson, Phil. 2006.
American Avocets breeding at Bechers Prairie near Riske Creek, British Columbia in 2005 and 2006. Wildlife Afield 3:3-5.

Force, Michael, Ken Morgan, and Jukka Jantunen. 2006.
Manx Shearwater in British Columbia: comments on a pioneering seabird. Wildlife Afield 3:5-11.

Ryder, Glenn R., R. Wayne Campbell, and G. Lawrence Powell. 2006.
A noteworthy record of the Pigmy Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglasii) for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:11-14.

Gronau, Christian W. 2006.
Cactus traps California Myotis in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:14-15.

Dorst, Adrian. 2006.
Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferus): a new species for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:16-17.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Edward McMackin. 2006.
Status of the Yellow-breasted Chat in the Crestion Valley, British Columbia, 1968-2006. Wildlife Afield 3:17-21.

Schoeddert, A. 2006.
Unusual mortality of a male Rufous Hummingbird in Burton, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:21-22.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2006.
Common Raven steals and caches eggs of the Double-crested Cormorant in the Creston valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:22-24.

Campbell, R. Wayne., and Barbara Begg. 2006.
Impact of Cooper's Hawk predation on a nesting colony of Brewer's Blackbirds on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 3:25-27.

Zettergreen, Barry. 2006.
Golden Eagle attacks and kills yearling Mountain Goat. Wildlife Afield 3:27-28.

Lidstone, Sherry, L. 2006.
Skeletal remains of the Northern Flicker with a gross bill deformity discovered in a poplar tree cavity. Wildlife Afield 3:29-31.

Volume 2, Number 2 (2005)

Bunnell, Corey G. 2005.
Field survey of Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the Lower Fraser River Valley, British Columbia, in 2005. Wildlife Afield 2:51-57.

Cook, Francis R., R. Wayne Campbell, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2005.
Origin and current status of the Pacific Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata) in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:58-63.

Leighton, Douglas. 2005.
Recent range expansion of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) in southeastern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:64-73.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2005.
Diet of the Great Horned Owl in the Creston valley, British Columbia, 1998-2005. Wildlife Afield 2:73-78.

Siddle, Chris. 2005.
Anti-predator behaviour by a Mule Deer to Coyotes in Vernon, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:79-80.

Preston, Michael I. 2005.
Attempted capture of a Red-legged Frog by an American Robin. Wildlife Afield 2:80-81.

Gronau, Christian W. 2005.
Evidence of an unusual prey item in a Barred Owl pellet. Wildlife Afield 2:81-82.

Wiebe, Karen L. 2005.
Northernmost nest record of the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in Canada.
Wildlife Afield 2:82-83.

Ferguson, Robert S., and Mark Dascher. 2005.
First nesting record of Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya) in the East Kootenay, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:84-85.

Davidson, Gary S. 2005.
Current status of the Black-throated Blue Warbler in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:85-89.

Rockwell, I. Lauire. 2005.
Field observations of Gray Flycatcher breeding at Summerland, British Columbia, 1988-2005. Wildlife Afield 2:89-92.

Siddle, Chris. 2005.
American Crow predation in an Eared Grebe nesting colony at Rawlings Lake, British Columbia.
Wildlife Afield 2:93.

2005. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 2.2.

Volume 2, Number 1 (2005)

Siddle, Chris. 2005.
Migratory occurrence and status of select shorebirds in the vicinity of Fort St. John, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:3-7.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2005.
Survey of Painted Turtles in the Creston Valley, British Columbia, in 2003 and 2004.
Wildlife Afield 2:7-9.

Weeden, Robert, B. 2005.
Changing status of Ring-necked Ducks wintering on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, 1978-2004. Wildlife Afield 2:10-11.

Schutz, David C. 2005.
Barred Owl feeds on Band-tailed Pigeon. Wildlife Afield 2:11-12.

Ranson, Phil. 2005.
First winter occurrences of the Cape May Warbler for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:12-14.

Van Damme, L.M. 2005.
Burdock entrapment of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the Creston valley. Wildlife Afield 2:14-15.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2005.
First nest and eggs of the Canada Warbler for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:15-16.

Asquith, Kim., and Malcolm Dennington. 2005.
Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus): a new species for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:16-17.

Haras, Willie. 2005.
Incidences of Gopher Snake predation in bluebird nest box trails in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:17-18.

Tomlinson, Ryan. 2005.
Unsuccessful nesting attempt of Black-necked Stilt in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:19.

Arndt, Janice E. 2005.
Status of the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) in Nelson, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 2:19-22.

2005. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 2.1.

Volume 1, Number 2 (2004)

Carter, Harry R. 2004.
Temporary colonization of Cleland Island, British Columbia, by Common Murres, from 1969-1982. Wildlife Afield 1:39-45.

Preston, Joanna. 2004.
Conservation priorities and peripheral species in the South Okanagan: considerations for a proposed national park. Wildlife Afield 1:46-53.

Preston, Michael I. 200.
Effectiveness of global protected areas: perspectives for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:54-59.

Charlesworth, Chris. 2004.
Observations of breeding Dusky Flycatchers in the central Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:59-61.

Campbell, R. Wayne, and Glenn R. Ryder. 2004.
Field observations of Bullfrog (Rana catesbeina) prey in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:61-62.

Lidstone, Sherry. 2004.
Gross bill deformity and longevity in a Northern Flicker. Wildlife Afield 62-64.

Etzkorn, Jerry, and Janet Etzkorn. 2004.
Gray Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea): a new species for British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:64-65.

Myers, Steve. 2004.
Lark Sparrow nesting in the Peace River region of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:65-66.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2004.
Gray Wolf predation on Trumpeter Swan eggs. Wildlife Afield 1:66-67.

Van Damme, Linda M. 2004.
Weather influences parenting behaviour among Red-necked Grebes and Western Grebes on Duck Lake, Creston valley. Wildlife Afield 1:67-69.

2004. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 1.2.

Volume 1, Number 1 (2004)

Van Damme, Linda M., and Mark Nyhof. 2004.
Food habits of the Barn Owl in the southern interior of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:3-5.

Ryder, Glenn R., and R. Wayne Campbell. 2004.
First occurrence of Wandering Salamander on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:5-6.

Brown, Doug. 2004.
Dusky Flycatcher breeding in the Peace River region of British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:6-7.

Campbell, R. Wayne. 2004.
Upland Sandpiper breeding near Chetwynd, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 1:7-8.

Preston, Michael I. 2004.
Occurrence of the Rock Wren on Vancouver Island and other islands in the Strait of Georgia. Wildlife Afield 1:8-9.

Campbell, R.W. 2004. Unsuccessful Introduction of the California Quail to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Wildlife Afield 1:9-10.

2004. Publications of Interest. Wildlife Afield 1.1.